
a full recovery

well ben's sickness last week was just the beginning...we all ended up getting sick. it was not fun! but i think we've all recovered from it. plus, we've switched ben to just formula & bottles, so his stomach is still adjusting to that-which means he loves to leave huge nasty surprises for us in his diaper. gross i know, but oh so true. thanks for the prayers. and if you've gotten this nasty bug our prayers are with you.

ben loves playing rough with his daddy. it's a boy thing i know i'll never get and as much as it makes me nervous sometimes, he loves it! he is as they say "all boy". he's into everything-usually head first-and is so smart. it's a daily battle to find new ways to keep him entertained so he isn't trying to figure out how to get out of his play area. he himself is quite entertaining. :)

bear & ben playing...don't worry ben can hold his own directly after this he pulled bear's ear!

1 comment:

Kay Walker Cook said...

Oh! What fun! I'm glad you're such a good mom. It's important for him to be "all boy". I knew you could handle it.