he also says "woof" for dog or really any animal i'm sure, but around here it's mainly just the dog. if i point to a dog in a book and ask what a dog says he'll go "woof".
he most definitely knows what "ball" is like every good boy does.
he doesn't really call matt or i "dada" or "mama" yet. but i think he's just being stubborn because he smirks when we try to get him to do it.
ben is getting more rough and tumble every day. he pushes the limits to see just how far he can go. and for now he thinks it's a game, and giggles and laughs once he gets caught doing whatever daredevilish thing he was doing. he loves climbing-the stairs, the footrest on the recliner, into his little rocking chair or onto his rocking horse. he just started this run full speed ahead into the couch and then flops over and starts giggling. it scares me and then at the same time melts my heart to pieces. oh the joys of being a mom to a toddler!
no new pics yet. our cameras are still missing pieces. so here is a cute pic of my little sis and ben from her wedding day.
aunt kaitlyn & ben laughing for pictures