
a day in the life of me!

this is what i do in the morning. i smile at my mom & dad. we laugh & play til it's time for breakfast. mmm! carrots!

then i go exer-sauce for a while. i try to wrestle everything into my mouth. it's so much fun!

then it's lunch time!! i love to eat.

then i have some good tummy time. i move around the living like a pro. and now i'm learning how to hold myself up on all 4's. i'm getting the hang of it. watch out mom!

then i fall asleep after playing hard and snuggling with dad. i love to play with his hair.


laughter is the best medicine

ben is almost 6 months & is getting to be tons of fun. he's really got a sense of humor developing. it loves to try to make me laugh at nap time when i put him down. it's like he thinks that if i laugh he won't have to take a nap. this kid is smart. he is so observant and just takes everything in. so he's starting to respond to little games i play with him. i try to "bite" his neck and now he's doing the same. we just have so much fun together.

this is a video from some family hangout time last week. matt & i watched a movie and ben came in and played in his high chair after a late night carrot snack. he gets giggly at night when he starts getting tired.

Ben & Matt playing peek-a-boo


he's a mover & a shaker

he's getting so big! he's got 3 teeth, yes 3! that have cut through. he eats like a champ at every meal. he loves him some sweet potatoes. he gets himself around pretty good these days and i know it won't be long before he's chasing after bear (our dog).

here's a short video of ben's first "crawl" attempt.


big boy food

well after a couple weeks of ben watching us intently while we eat, snatching at our food or whining while we eat...we decided to give him some "solid" food of his own. he had 2 feedings today of rice cereal. he chowed down! in fact i wasn't quite fast enough at feeding him by spoon, so we went to the bottle. he's a big growing boy. for now we'll stick to rice cereal and try out the "orange/ yellow" veggies as suggested by the doc. my meal times will never be the same. but i will say the cereal does tide him over for a little bit longer, so that gives me some "extra" time.

can't believe it! he turned 5 months on saturday...he's got his 2 bottom teeth and now he's eating big boy food. and yes he's trying to crawl but at the moment it just looks like a face planted booty lift! pretty cute. and he can sit up pretty well by himself, but has yet to sit himself up without help.

pictures of our d.c. getaway coming soon...