
the "big sunday"

here are some pictures from the "big sunday" a couple weeks ago. ben did awesome :) of course when we took him out of his car seat to go up to be prayed over, we discovered that he had a poopy diaper. and all i could think of was a story of another new mom...her baby had a poopy diaper that leaked everywhere during dedication! i was praying that God would give us help in raising this child to know his word and that he wouldn't get poop all over us :) thankfully we made it through clean.

pastor eric & family praying over ben

baby & his momma

not only was it ben's dedication, but it was also the day that matt was being ordained! i would say our family made a huge commitment to God that day ;) it was an amazing sermon that pastor eric gave directed to matt (of course while speaking to the rest the congregation as well) during which we both had to sit on stage for. yes awkwardly sit there the entire time in front of everyone. but i'm so glad to see others acknowledge my husband's true heart and desires. after eric got done speaking, the elders came and prayed over the both of us. pastor eric invited matt's dad to pray over us too. that was really special. it was an emotional time to say the least.

being prayed over by the elders

the ruckel clan (minus oakley)

thanks to all who came out to the party or attended church just to be a part of it all. it was all a great blessing. and those of you who couldn't make it...thanks for the prayers and blessings.



it's official...ben's teething. i can see his little tooth trying to poke it's way thru his precious little gums. but more so than that, i hear his continuous fussing and can't find a pacifier quick enough. i knew it would happen sooner or later, but i was hoping for later.

he's actually doing pretty well with the whole thing. i think it's harder on me than him. :)

love to all!

p.s. pictures of the dedication to come soon...


shots stink

well the little man got his 4 month shots yesterday. he has done pretty good, fussy and tired but that's to be expected. he's still just so chill. we're spoiled :) so here's the stats: 15lbs. 14oz. and 26 inches long. yes, he is a big as we thought. he's above average in height and weight, but is starting to even out. we've had a busy week and a busy weekend to come. shots and appointments and overnight guests :) friends leaving town and the big sunday to come. so i'm off to put ben down for a nap and "work" on the house.

love to all.


4 months old; time is rolling

today our little man is 4 months! craziness has ensued over the past few months...i can't believe he's been with us for this long already and at the same time, it's only been 4 months?! he's growing so fast!

while we were in california ben found his feet. well, he found out that they were long enough to grab and put in his mouth. by the end of the week that task was mastered. so this week he showed off to his daddy and started working on another. he's started to roll over! yep not just an occasional roll, but let's just say he's done it today more than a dozen times on his own. no more just leaving him be to walk away. he rolls from his back to his belly. then he starts fussing cause it's harder to play with his toys that way.

lovin' our boy more and more every day!