
Party Animals

ben sleeping at the church picnic

we were incredibly busy this weekend, but loved every minute of it. we had friends in from out of town, birthdays to celebrate, and 4 picnics...including one at church. it was a little rough on the little guy, but we all survived. he's just kicking and playing and talking so much today. he may be an introvert...just needed some down time to recover from all the socializing. :)

and this weekend is another busy one. bethany is coming in town to visit and it's also the start of graduation season around here. so more parties to go to and people to see. he also has his 2 month doctor visit this week. this means his first round of shots. :( i'm not looking forward to it. and then on sunday evening we leave for florida for the week. phew! yes i know that we're crazy but we're just living life to its fullest.

the home inspection is set for tomorrow and we're still on schedule for a closing on the 15th...yes of june!

ben & mercy at wayne & jada's picnic


an adventure outside

ben's gotten big enough to hold his head up on his own pretty good, so we turned him around in the snugli. he loves to see the world. this is how we walk the dog and he loves to be outside. he's wearing the hat nana roo got him in mexico to keep that bright sun out of his eyes.


we've been busy!

sorry for the lack of updating last week...it was a full one! we had mother's day, got in a fender-bender, found and looked at a house we like, wrote a contract on it, my birthday and a couple of high school baseball state playoff games...on top of our weekly routine.

other than all that, everything is good and well in our house. we wrote a contract on a house last week and they accepted our offer and we're going through inspections this week. we'll let you know how it works out. and in the mean time we are also looking for renters for our condo, so that's been a whirlwind as well. ben's been a champ through it all.

ben has discovered his fists this week. he loves to shove them as far into his mouth as possible. sometimes he would rather his fists than the pacifier. maybe he'll turn out a thumb sucker after all. he's also become quite the vocal child. he'll lay on his back and kick and fail and squeal til his heart's content; then he usually cries and wants to be held. he's becoming more and more lively and we're so enjoying it.

sorry no pictures right now, i'll get some up later this week.

love to all


all about growing me

i've definitely noticed a few things this week:
1. i love him more every time i hold him. it's absolutely amazing!
2. he has huge hands & feet! i pray that this means he's gonna grow into them and be a big boy. i mean his feet are so big that he can't wear 0-3 month sleepers anymore because his feet are too dang big. i find it quite adorable.
3. he has a little forehead and dark thick hair like his papa steve & daddy. it's more noticeable now that his hair is starting to grow back in.
4. he's a big little guy. we have a friend who had a little boy 2 weeks before ben and he weighs a pound less than ben still. matt is praying we have a chubby baby so he can squeeze him more.

and last but not least, he's smiling at us!! he's finally found his smiling muscles. it started this week. at first i thought i was just a fluke and he was still just smiling cause he had just pooped or something. but nope, he knows his mom & dad already. it's the greatest feeling in the world. i love the little half smile he gives with his big lips and toothless mouth.

what a great time for my first mother's day...i'm truly basking in motherhood at the moment. im sure it will fade about 4 am, but i'm enjoying for now :)

love to all


a big week

this week has been busy & full. it started out with ben getting pink eye. how a month old baby gets pink eye when no one has had it is strange. but we got some ointment and it healed up almost overnight. since we took him to the doc, they weighed him and sure enough, he's reached the 10lbs mark. 10lbs. 4oz to be exact. he's now been loving dubbed "meatball" by his dad! :)

ben has been working on the grumpy old man look as well. he is losing the hair on the top of his head but still has all of it along the sides. it's quite hilarious. the new hair has started to come back in but just isn't thick enough to really see quite yet. see picture of the matching sleepy boys above.

and to finish off the week we went to a baby shower yesterday and ben got to hang out with some of his friends. hannah on the left is 2 days younger than ben and sherilan on the right is almost 3 months. we can't wait for the other little ones on the way get here!!